Congratulations on joining our platform as a vendor! Now that you’re part of our community, it’s time to showcase your Auctions and start reaching customers. Listing your Auctions is a simple and straightforward process, and this guide will walk you through every step to ensure your items stand out and attract buyers.

Whether you’re new to online selling or a seasoned pro, our platform provides all the tools you need to create compelling Auction listings. From adding high-quality images to writing engaging descriptions, we’ll help you make the most of your online store. Let’s get started and turn your Auctions into sales!

How to Add Auction post in EasyBidHub

After registering and logging in, you must go to the account page. After logging in to this page, if you are not a seller on the site yet, the following message will be displayed to you. If it has been a long time since your request, send a message to support.

If your account was verified, you need to go to the auction page and click on the button

And that’s it.

You need to enter your auction information on this page and then click on the save Auction button. This Auction will be approved and placed on the site after 48 hours.